Minooka trustees last week authorized an intergovernmental jurisdictional boundary line agreement between the villages of Minooka and Shorewood.
The village board’s decision comes on the heels of hearing a suggestion made last month by a member of the public urging trustees to give it more thought.
Village Administrator Dan Duffy said trustees are confident they are making the right decision.
Michael Fleming had had this to say.
Fleming has said he doesn’t believe Shorewood is the best user to service the area north of Minooka’s boundary line.
Fleming last month asked Minooka trustees to postpone any action taken to consider approving the boundary line agreement with Shorewood.
The item was tabled accordingly to be brought up for consideration again in one month during the village board’s December meeting.
Duffy spoke of the details of the agreement as approved.
Also at the meeting, the village board took action authorizing the property tax levy for 2019.
The estimated total property taxes to be levied for 2019 are $3,727,643, which makes for a 3% increase over previous year. This figure includes $2,588,000 for the corporate and special purpose property taxes and $1,139,643 for the property taxes extended for debt service and public building commission leases.
In other developments, trustees approved a purchase in the amount of $81,129.40 for Aux Sable Springs Park playground equipment.
Village board action also waived the competitive bidding requirement.
A purchase in the amount of 81,129.40 will be made through a nationwide collective bid.
Minooka trustees expect to save money by buying the playground equipment in 2019 and installing it in 2020, according to village board documents.
In a related development, the sealed bids for the construction and oversight of Aux Sable Springs Park were due recently.
Duffy said a January 2020 acceptance is expected for the contract.