Newly elected members of the Minooka Village Board were sworn in at Tuesday’s regular meeting to mark the start of a four-year term.
Taking the oath of office were Trustees Dennis Martin, Barry Thompson and Dick Parrish.
Martin said he is excited to continue representing the village of Minooka. .
Martin spoke of the campaign success that he experienced.
Thompson reflected on his campaign.
Thompson said his biggest priority is making sure the village remains fiscally responsible.
Parrish said he is very proud of the board and what they do for the village, making sure to listen to residents and their concerns.
Parrish touted the village’s ability to remain budgeted in the black year after year.
Parrish credits the success of his campaign, in part, to going door to door ahead of the election to encourage people to get out and vote.
Parrish said one of his goals moving forward is to help the village convert vacant, village-owned land into parks.