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Minooka trustees table Domino’s Pizza plan amid opposition

Amid opposition from several residents, the Minooka Village Board of Trustees at a recent meeting tabled taking action on a plan to allow Domino’s Pizza to set up shop.

Domino’s Pizza is looking to close in on the sale of property located at 855 S. Ridge Rd. to allow the operation of a new restaurant with a drive-through lane.

Several residents at the meeting expressed concerns for traffic, lighting, hours of operation, and proximity of the proposed Domino’s Pizza with a drive-through to neighboring residences.

The conditional permit and final plat of subdivision requests made by Domino’s Pizza were previously reviewed during an April meeting of the Minooka Planning and Zoning Commission, which it approved with a set of conditions. Those are as follows:

  • The developer and owner will comply with all village ordinances and building codes

  • Additional buffering is required to minimize impact to residential properties

  • Exterior lighting plans are subject to engineering and legal review

  • Property must be developed and maintained in accordance with all site and landscaping plans to be reviewed by the village

Village ordinances stipulate that drive-through facilities are conditionally permitted uses within the B-1 Business District.

Trustee Barry Thompson raised a question about the plan for Domino’s Pizza.

Mark Ratterman, a franchisee for Domino’s Pizza, had this to say.

Trustee Dennis Martin made a suggestion to Ratterman.

Trustees decided to table the village board’s decision in a 6-0 vote.

Ratterman spoke of how he would need to seek a contract extension for the sale of the property.

Further discussion on this topic is expected to take place at a July 17 committee of the whole meeting.


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