Holiday Inn Express is expanding further into the Southland with plans to open a new hotel now under construction along Greenwich Drive in Mokena.
The project site used to be vacant.
“It’s a development here that’s been approved, and obviously, we’re very excited to get it opened,” Mokena Village Administrator John Tomasoski said. “We think it’s going to be an economic catalyst there for the corridor on 191st Street and La Grange Road.”
Tomasoski said what’s nice about the hotel is it’s strategically located toward the back of the lot.
“We’re working with the developer now to bring in some other development around it,” he said. “It helps some of the other businesses around it.”
Village officials hope the hotel is a catalyst for development with the open lots next to it, but also provides customers for existing restaurants and gas stations in the area. He said the village did not offer any incentives to bring in the hotel.
Tomasoski said the new hotel is something the community wanted.
“A lot of our local big businesses that have been here for many years are very excited to be able to now have that hotel in town for their guests and for travelers,” he said. “So, it’s much closer for work.”
It remains unclear how much in taxes the Holiday Inn Express will be estimated to generate, but Tomasoski said the village believes it could be an engine for economic growth.
The Holiday Inn Express will become the second hotel in town, as there is already a Super 8.
“We’ve been trying to target some more hotels, so we’re very excited to work with Holiday Inn Express, get it here and get it open,” Tomasoski said.
“From our long-range thinking and planning, it was one of the items we thought was very important for the village to get a hotel such as this up and operating,” he said.
Holiday Inn Express operates existing establishments in nearby Lansing, Crestwood and Romeoville.
Tomasoski said he could not give an exact date as to when the construction will be completed or when the grand opening is scheduled.
“It should be done relatively soon,” he said.
