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Chapins Banquet Facility in Minooka Could Become Antique Car Dealer

Minooka officials say a local developer may be interested in purchasing the Chapins Banquet facility for an antique car dealer.

A bar would also be sublet on the property of the main banquet hall for which a liquor license is being sought.

At Wednesday’s Village Board Committee of the Whole meeting, Village Administrator Dan Duffy provided an update on where the village stands with filling the building’s vacancy. Duffy said discussion around that was primarily on fire suppression and the need to put a fire suppression unit in.

Ultimately, Duffy said it seems like the project is back on track. Grant funding was obtained to address the issue with fire suppression in the banquet facility. Chapins Banquet had closed, in June 2021, when its owners announced that they were retiring.

Also at the meeting, staff briefed the village board on how improvements to Minooka Road will be paid for.

The project, which is expected to get underway in June, consists of milling and overlay work costing the village $452,000 after taking into account Surface Transportation Program grant funds. The village intends to use funds from the Rebuild Illinois grant to pay for the improvements.

Minooka officials are expected to consider an appropriation resolution related to the Rebuild Illinois grant at Tuesday’s village board meeting.


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