The Morton Grove Foundation invites the community to revel in the spirit of giving during its 31st annual Taste of Morton Grove. It is set for March 7, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. at White Eagle Banquets and Restaurant, 6845 Milwaukee Ave. in Niles.
The fundraiser treats attendees to taste samplings by dozens of area restaurants, music and silent auctions.
New to the event is a Queen of Hearts raffle drawing, as well as several new participating restaurants.
Tickets are $35 in advance or $40 at the door. For information, visit mortongrovefoundation.org.
Terry Liston, event chairwoman for Taste of Morton Grove, said the fundraiser aims to please.
“It’s a big party,” she said. “There’s a lot of activity going on. Even though we’ve got a Master’s of Ceremony making presentations, people are talking at their tables, bidding on silent auction prizes, or they’re in line to eat the wonderful food.”
Liston gave thanks to area restaurants for demonstrating interest in participating. Among the featured restaurants are Psistaria Greek Taverina, Point Tavern, Mesa Urbana, Shake Shack and Eli’s Cheescake.
“These are the stars of the event,” she said. “The restaurants donate tastings, or samplings. It’s not a whole meal, but they give you a small portion of one of their featured items.”
The fundraiser typically generates between $40,000 and $60,000 in proceeds every year, organizers said.
“It’s a tribute to the success of the volunteers of the Morton Grove Foundation and the Taste of Morton Grove Committee,” Liston said. “Since we’ve been keeping record, we have given away over $800,000 to local charities and civic organizations. We are all volunteers. We have very little overhead. Everything we raise, we put right back into the community. We’re all very proud of that.”
This year’s benefactors include the Maine-Niles Association of Special Recreation, Morton Grove Days Commission, Morton Grove Historical Society, Niles Township Food Pantry Foundation and more.
Liston said it’s wonderful seeing the way the fundraiser brings the community together.
“Everybody gets together for a common cause, which is helping big and small organizations that provide direct benefit to people in Morton Grove and the surrounding communities,” she said.
Liston said people tend to enjoy what Taste of Morton Grove aims to offer.
“It is well-attended,” Liston said, adding that Morton Grove “at its core, is a community where neighbors care about neighbors.”