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Joliet D-86 board agrees on land purchase

The Joliet Public Schools District 86 is acquiring added land for its campus site at Dirksen Junior High and Thigpen Elementary schools.

The purchase of the lot at 209 S. Midland Ave. resulted after a 6-0 vote. Board Vice President Quinn Adamowski was absent.

“It’s a single-family, residential lot adjacent to one of our school campus sites,” said Nicholas Sakellariou, chief officer for legal services and labor relations. “It abuts to it. It can help us expand the grassy area… We could use the space.”

Typically, students at the two schools use their field to play sports.

The real estate agreement, Sakellariou said, prices the transaction at a cost of $175,000.

“It was an estate,” Sakellariou said. “The person passed, and it was being sold.”

Bids for food, non food supplies rejected

The Joliet Public Schools District 86 Board of Education rejected all bids for food and non food supplies for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.

In a related development, officials turned to authorize an intergovernmental joint purchasing agreement with the Northern Illinois Independent Purchasing Cooperative.

Board action gives the District added purchasing power.

Tamara Mitchell, assistant superintendent for business and financial services, said that food will be purchased through the cooperative and that an estimated $75,000 cost-savings could be realized.

Board President Jeffrey Pritz wanted to know if the District will meet the standards of quality.

Mitchell affirmed that District 86 is staying on top of that.

Round it up

A brief recap of action at a recent meeting of the Joliet Public Schools District 86 Board of Education:

  • Officials adopted an agreement with Special Education Services, Inc. for the alternative school at the Thompson Instructional Center for the school years and extended school years 2018-2019; 2019-2020; and 2020-2021.

  • The school board authorized a three-year agreement with K12 INSight for Let’s Talk! Customer Service Software and Support. District 86 will pay $138,780 for access to the software platform.

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