The Downers Grove Village Council advanced Downers Grove Grade School District 58’s expansion plans for one of its schools.
In a series of 5-0 votes, motions were passed to rezone Lester Elementary School property located at 236 Indianapolis Ave. and authorize a special use to permit an addition.
Village Board action gives Downers Grove Grade School District 58 the right to proceed with its plans to add approximately 3,400 square feet of classroom space to the east side of the existing building.
With a change in zoning, the property in question is brought into conformance and the intent of the Village of Downers Grove’s comprehensive plan. Prior to Village Board action, the property’s zoning designation was R-4 residential detached house and that is converted to INP-2 campus-scale institutional and public district. The measure intends to accommodate to the Lester School addition, an institutional use, all while protecting surrounding areas.
With the special use request, Downers Grove Grade School District 58 looks to accommodate the integration of its full-day kindergarten program in the building.
Foundation landscaping and entryway planters are proposed by the applicant and are not required in the Village’s zoning ordinance.
A change of note to the site includes sidewalk restoration or replacement, which enables the project to conform to municipal codes.
Other side modifications include a new ADA ramp and a set of stairs at the north entrance. Additionally, the western Lincoln Avenue curb-cut will no longer be used, as the asphalt driveway will be converted into a landscaped area and walkway.
Construction of the Lester Elementary School addition is anticipated to begin in March and scheduled for completion at the beginning of the 2018-2019 academic year.
Special use for automobile dealership OK’d
An automobile dealership is coming to Downers Grove’s Ogden Avenue.
In a 5-0 vote, officials advanced a petitioner’s plans to redevelop a 1.5-acre site located at 2410 Ogden Ave.
The building remodel will feature a modern design with a makeup primarily of steel, masonry and concrete.
The petitioner has proposed landscaping around the perimeter of the property and interior islands. Additionally, the new trash area will have screening, light fixtures are to be added, and some landscaping is to be planted between an enclosure and Ogden Avenue.
No members of the public spoke during a recent public hearing regarding the request for a special use.
The Village’s Plan Commission provided a unanimous recommendation for approval to commissioners at its recent meeting.
To curb concerns for traffic concerning the site, the petitioner intends to remove the eastern curb-cut onto Ogden Avenue, while the western curb-cut will be improved.
Commissioners determined that the petitioner’s proposal satisfies the Village’s comprehensive plan, which calls for a concentration of automobile dealerships within the western section of the Ogden Avenue corridor and to promote uses that have a regional draw.
Round up
A brief recap of action and discussion Feb. 13 at a regular meeting of the Downers Grove Village Council:
A motion was passed approving the mayor’s appointment of Daiva Majauskas to the Village’s Plan Commission for a three-year term expiring Aug. 31, 2021.
A motion was passed authorizing the mayor’s appointment of Michael McCann to serve as chair of Downers Grove’s Zoning Board of Appeals. His term is anticipated to expire Aug. 31, 2020.
A motion was deferred to direct Village staff to prepare a draft operating process to reinstate the peer jury program.