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Infrastructure projects in the works for New Lenox, Dunkin’ Donuts owner recognized

The New Lenox Village Board of Trustees approved some infrastructure projects at its Nov. 27 meeting.

New Lenox officials approved an estimated $4.07 million bid award for Cedar Road water main replacements and an amendment to an agreement for planning services related to the sewage treatment plan regionalization plan. Trustees Douglas Finnegan and Keith Madsen were absent.

The Village had read eight bids for the Cedar Road water main replacements project, and the award was extended to Superior Excavating, the lowest bidder.

The project’s scope includes water mains extending from Francis Road to Illinois Highway, minus a small section.

Trustee David Smith questioned if the Village had done its homework on the firm, which he hadn’t heard of, and went on to emphasize that Cedar Road is one of the town’s larger arterial roads.

Village Administrator Kurt Carroll tried to lessen the concern raised and said they have “excellent” references.

New Lenox officials took time to examine an amendment to the agreement for planning services related to the sewage treatment plan regionalization plan.

“As the board will remember, Strand [Associates] did an excellent job of preparing, as the mayor had said, the sewage treatment plan regionalization plan,” Carroll said. “They had did such a great job that the board directed [Village staff] to go look for a regional site. We had done a lot of work on this.”

The amendment to the agreement with Strand Associates requires the Village to pay additional compensation of $44,720.

Board action to address the sewage treatment plant regionalization plan dates back to August 2016, at which point a planning services agreement valued at $158,000 was formed with Strand Associates. Around that time, the plan was to pursue expansion of the Jackson Branch treatment plant.

Since that time, the Village has been working with the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency to modify its compliance schedule, so as to allow for time to identify a more cost-effective alternative.

“This is another thing that we’re doing that’s looking to the long-term health of our community,” Mayor Tim Baldermann said. “It would be great if we were able to accomplish this. Strand has been outstanding.”

The plan, as proposed, is to turn the Jackson Branch and Route 30 treatment plants into pumping stations, so as to remove them from the downtown area. Multiple properties are being examined by the Village to serve as regional sites.

“We hopefully will tie something together … for a regional plan,” Carroll said. “At this point, we’re looking to reimburse them for the work that they did going off the plan that they had, but going after the pursuit of the regional site.”

Dunkin’ Donuts owner recognized

Also at the meeting, the Board of Trustees recognized Amin Panjwani, the owner of the Dunkin’ Donuts located off Laraway Road, for his $5,000 donation to the Mayor’s Assistance Program.

The effort, spearheaded by Baldermann and his wife, Megan, was announced this past summer to help support residents in need of some assistance. The way it works is Baldermann has donated his mayoral salary of $18,000 per year for the remainder of his current term, which runs through May of 2019.

Around that time, he received a phone call from an area business owner that expressed interest in making a contribution to the Mayor’s Assistance Program.

“Dunkin Donuts in our community, of course, on Laraway Road in Walmart and now with the new site being built on Route 30, the Panjwani family has always been very good to New Lenox as long as they’ve been here,” Baldermann said. “Giving to local organizations, allowing them to come out front and raise extra money, giving to the schools, they truly believe in community partnership. I’ve had an opportunity to get to know them personally, and I know in their personal life, outside of their business life, what’s most important to them is giving back and being part of a community.”

Baldermann presented a plaque to Panjwani.

“People need to know that that’s what this community is all about,” Baldermann said. “We have great people in this town. It’s why New Lenox thrives, because we have residents that come together and we have business owners that come together for the betterment of our community.”

Panjwani took time to thank the mayor, the Village of New Lenox and the community.

“All we could do is follow the example that [Baldermann has] given us to giveback to the community,” he said. “Our business does not thrive in this community without the community, so if all we can do is lend a helping hand, that’s the least we can do.”

Round it up

A brief recap of action and discussion from the Nov. 27 regular meeting of the New Lenox Village Board of Trustees:

  • The Village authorized the execution of a pair of contracts to help advance its efforts to bring on line Cooper’s Hawk Winery, Pete’s Fresh Market and another retail development, which has not yet been confirmed by officials, to fill a vacant lot situated at the northwest corner of the intersection joining Route 30 and Vancina Lane.

  • New Lenox officials reduced a surety in the amount $249,527.16 for completing public improvements to Jackson Heights Unit 5 in accordance with the approved plans and specifications.

  • Trustees authorized the release of a surety in the amount of $5,138 for completing public improvements to Gardner Estates Unit 1.

  • The Village Board approved the release of a $6,356.70 surety to Elizabeth Estates for completing public improvements.


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