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Sweet Pickins Junktique Market offers vintage finds, handmade crafts

The organizers of the Sweet Pickins Junktique Market realize there’s a market open for pop-up events such as theirs in the Village of Shorewood. So, when the opportunity arose to partner with Skooter’s Roadhouse to make it a reality, they said they knew they could strike a chord with the people.

“We work as a team to put it together,” said Trisha Beaudry, an event organizer.

The Sweet Pickins Junktique Market will celebrate its second anniversary as a pop-up event in December.

“We’re the only vintage and antique handmade in Shorewood,” said Allison Weder, another event organizer. “[There] may be [similar events] in the other surrounding areas, but not that I know of in Shorewood.”

Beaudry agreed.

“[We’re] just excited to bring something to the community,” she said.

On average, the Sweet Pickins Junktique market features between 50 and 60 vendors.

The event rings true for many guests, Weder said.

“We’re a vintage and handmade market, so I think they look for a lot of handmade things, repurposed furniture, candles, soaps, lotions, home décor,” she said.

Weder said there’s a ton of excitement in the community surrounding the Sweet Pickins Junktique Market that grows from event to event.

“We personally started with 26 vendors, and now we’re close to 60,” she said. “We’ve tripled. We’ve probably had maybe 500 people the first time. Now, we usually hit over 100 people every show,” she said.

Beaudry said they credit the event’s success to “great marketing.”

Weder agreed and went on to say they use various social media platforms as much as they can. She explained further that they’ve tested out different avenues as far as marketing goes, as well.

“We think that Facebook is the best,” Weder said.

“I think [they most enjoy] the fun atmosphere,” Weder said. “It’s really light-hearted, fun—the music. The indoor-outdoor floor plan is easy to navigate. Being able to go right next door [to Skooter’s Roadhouse,] and have lunch [is a draw,] and then the bar—definitely the bar—is an attraction. I think being able to grab a drink and shop, find a group of some friends and walk around [is exciting for guests.]”

Liz Stephenson, of Midwest Mantra, said she decided to set up shop at the Sweet Pickins Junktique Market for the first time. Her booth featured an array of beaded bracelets and oil-based fragrances.

“I’m more into holistic stuff, so I would say just because I like the idea of setting an intention and living by it,” Stephenson said. “The oils, I’ve been using for years 12 years, and I feel like they really work. I like taking a holistic approach before trying anything else.”

Stephenson said patrons appeared to enjoy what she offers.

“I went to school for fashion, so I feel like I kind of have a little bit of [a sense of fashion,] so that kind of plays a part into it,” she said. “I like what the meanings are more than anything because all the stones carry energy. That’s kind of what I [was] [aiming for.] I’ll go with what the stones represent more than anything.”

Stephenson went on to say the oil-based fragrances drew in some interest, as well and said “[Guests,] they come, they smell, [they say,] ‘Oh, my gosh. I love it.”

Stephenson said her goal is simple: to supply the patrons with items they may be interested in.

“I just hope that people enjoy my stuff, they find what they’re looking for, they enjoy it, they tell someone else and they can enjoy it, too,” she said. “Just because I like people, I like the good vibes that go off of it.”

Weder shared that sentiment.

“We just want everyone to have a great time,” Weder said “The shoppers along with the vendors, we want them to be successful.”

On Oct. 14, guests will have another opportunity to explore what the pop-up market aims to offer.

For more information on the Sweet Pickins Junktique Market, email them at or visit their Facebook page at

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