The New Lenox Village Board of Trustees are looking to amend a municipal code regulating zoning for gun shops and indoor gun ranges.
The Board held a first read to review this measure at their March 13 meeting.
“Our current ordinance doesn’t list those uses in any zoning district, and we have had a few requests come in over the years for somebody looking to open up one,“ said Assistant Village Administrator Robin Ellis. “We just want to be proactive and make sure that we’ve got them designated in the right districts.”
“There has been one [recent request] that I think, as a result of this, will probably move forward.”
The matter was last reviewed in February during a public hearing at the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals level.
Ellis said no constituents had approach the Board with questions, comments or concerns.
If the ordinance is approved by the Board at their March 27 meeting, gun shops and indoor gun ranges would become allowable uses in the C-3 General Business District, C-7 Regional Shopping District and I-1 Limited Industrial District.
“There didn’t use to be these types of uses,” Ellis said. “We just never had to deal with them… They’re becoming more popular because of the change in the gun laws in the state where people can carry.”
Ellis said it’s important to the village to give this matter careful thought, so as not to negatively impact the public health, safety and general welfare of constituents.
“It benefits the community because we can make sure that they’re located in the right area,” she said. “The special use allows us to make sure that there’s enough parking and things like that. A lot of times they want to do classes and things like that, so you need to make sure there’s enough parking.”
“We wouldn’t want them in some of our lower intensity commercial districts that tend to be by residential neighborhoods,” she said.
Early voting at Village Hall
Early voting for the April 4 consolidated general election will soon begin at Village Hall.
Residents can stop by from March 20 to March 31, at which time polls will be open from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday in the Community Room.
Mayor Tim Baldermann said it’s important for people to get out and vote.
“Here, at this board, we don’t have a contested election, but local politics, local government is where it’s all at,” he said. “There are some very important races taking place that will have an impact on our community. I would encourage each and every one of you to truly, truly get to know who your candidates are and make the most educated decision you can.”
For a sample ballot, visit
If not registered to vote, the county has a grace period allowing residents to register and participate in early voting.
For more information, contact the Village Clerk’s office at (815) 462-6414.
A brief recap of action and discussion from the March 13 meeting of the New Lenox Village Board of Trustees.
The Village of New Lenox was awarded the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.
The New Lenox Village Board of Trustees unanimously approved a measure authorizing participation in the State of Illinois’ Rock Salt Joint Purchasing Program for the 2017-2018 winter season.
The board held a first read for an ordinance granting variances to Dunkin Donuts, which is to be located on Route 30. Village officials will hold off on conducting a second read until a site plan and Illinois Department of Transportation approval are in place.
The Village conducted a first read for an ordinance abolishing the Economic Development Commission.
Trustees had a first read for a measure amending village codes to establish the Small Business Commission.