The sound of trumpets and the beat of drums were heard all across the Elgin High School campus.
Under the Wednesday night lights, high school students performed and engaged in on-field clinics during District U46’s inaugural marching band showcase before dozens of students, parents and faculty members.
Elgin High School band director Robert Sanchez said the event aims to bring the community together.
“I think we want to generate a sense of unity amongst the high schools as well as promotion and advocation of music,” he said.
Bertha Cruz, of Elgin, was one of many parents in the crowd cheering on their child. She said she was enjoying her time at the marching band showcase.
“It’s something new so it’s kind of exciting to see all the bands and the show,” Cruz said.
Cruz said she never played instruments as child, so seeing her child perform brings added meaning to her.
“That’s why I enjoy it so much because I wanted to do but I never did,” she said.
Cruz said she’s proud to see her child play the trumpet, and is always in attendance for school band performances.
Elgin High School senior Nathaniel Bohrer said he likes community support shown for the district’s marching bands.
“I think it’s really cool that we get this whole U46 on this,” he said.
Bohrer serves as a drum major for the high school in addition to playing trombone.
Bohrer said it’s important that people realize the importance of music programming in schools.
“Beyond just this pure education of this and the fact that music can transfer into so many aspects of your life—like it helps in areas of schooling—the bands members up there end being like a family after four years,” he. “It’s something you don’t really get—it sounds really cliché—but it’s something I have yet to find most anywhere, other than maybe a sports team.”
Admission for the showcase will support music programs across the district, Sanchez said.
Sanchez, noting the way schools must make cuts at times, said he thinks holding the event can also help people understand the importance of having music programs.
“They realize we are as important as math and science,” he said.
Sanchez said the hope is they can hold the event annually.
“We’d love to do this every year,” he stated.