Megann Horstead

Stratton delivers message to Will County Democrats ahead of election

Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor Juliana Stratton hopes that everyone realizes all eyes are on the State of Illinois this election season.

“This election, on Nov. 6, is about who we are,” she said. “It is about who we are as Democrats; It is about what we value [and] what we’re willing to fight for.”

Stratton’s appearance last week at Will County Democratic Central Committee’s annual dinner served, in part, as a campaign stop ahead of the November election to energize the voter base.

Among the featured speakers at the event were Congressman Dan Lipinski, Michael Carrigan and Herb Brooks Jr.

Stratton recognizes that the message of the Democratic Party has been scrutinized and said she wants the people to know what’s at stake on Nov. 6.

“This election is about what we care about as Democrats,” Stratton said. “Do you know what we care about as Democrats? We care about people; We care about one another; We care about every child having access to opportunity; We care about our seniors; We care about our veterans; We care about our workers; We care about people and making sure that every community is lifted up.”

Stratton touted her work record over the last 20 years, saying that a vote for her and her running mate in the upcoming election would serve as a source of great pride for her.

“Like J. B. [Pritzker,] I have been solving problems, serving the public, and fighting for what’s right for my entire career,” she said.

Stratton’s work history includes running a small business, leading the Center for Public Safety and Justice and state representative for the Congressional 5thDistrict of Illinois.

Stratton admitted she never imagined herself in the position she is currently in running for lieutenant governor.

That changed about three years ago.

“There are people rising up to run for office all across our state and all across the country,” Stratton said.

Stratton acknowledged the renewed enthusiasm many people have demonstrated for civic engagement and said they have the solutions to the state’s problems.

“There are Democrats making phone calls, knocking on doors, and flooding to the polls like never before,” she said. “There are people, like you, coming out to our events, engaging in our politics, and speaking out about the issues that matter. … All we need to do is listen. We need to lift up your voices; We need to come together as a party and as a state and move forward.”

Stratton turned to the jugular of her opponents in the election, saying that Gov. Bruce Rauner has failed the people.

“First and foremost, he didn’t listen,” she said. “Because a governor, who listens to our children and to families, wouldn’t be trying to slash education and healthcare. A governor, who listens to our seniors, wouldn’t be trying to attack the very services that they need to thrive; A governor, who listens to our workers, wouldn’t try to use the Supreme Court to weaken unions; A governor, who listens to women, wouldn’t be sitting on the sidelines as our rights are under attack; A governor, who listens to our communities, would not be leaving so many of you behind.”

Stratton said she is proud to be in this race with Pritzker.

“The first time that I met J.B. [Pritzker,] I saw his strength, I saw his passion for bringing people together, and I saw his ability to get big things done,” she said. “I saw someone who really listens, [someone] who truly seeks to understand, [and] someone who sees me as a partner in this fight for the fundamental Democratic values that we all care so much about.”

Stratton added, “We are going to take back our state, and we are going to do this together.”

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